Wednesday, January 23, 2008

little bits of crazy

here are some of the little bits of crazy that have been happening in the hinckley home the past couple of months.
  • we had some snowstorms in early december i believe where a sheet of ice ended up in between the layers of snow. i thought it was interesting enough for a picture.
  • I started singing "How funky is your chicken" with Lily while we were making cookies one day. She earnestly replied, "Mom, monkeys eat bananas, NOT chicken."
  • Grace lost the lens to her glasses during lunch at school last week. When Pat got home, she said to him: "You know how when you're wearing glasses that you don't really notice if the lens is in." This from a child who could only read the top line of the eye chart without her glasses when her eyes were tested a week and a half ago. luckily we had already ordered glasses from zenni optical. pat's sister got us hooked on them. pat really likes his $18 pair of prescription glasses that he had previously ordered, so last saturday we got six additional pairs (two for each member of the family who needs glasses) for a grand total of 95 dollars. we're looking forward to them arriving in the mail (especially grace).
  • i noticed these newborn clothes at gymboree a few months ago. i'm sorry, but when did squirrels become cute??!! i remember at some body shop (which i do love body shop products) party, the host (not you, lara) was telling us how they will use hair from squirrel tails in the make-up brushes sold at stores. she was trying to gross us out, but i just kept thinking glad they found some use for them. i know, kind of cruel. personally i have no hatred for squirrels, but i don't find them cute or cuddly.
  • have i ever mentioned that i don't own a digital camera? i use gracie's camera that my dad gave her for her birthday a couple of years ago. grace doesn't mind that it has become the family camera, but she ocassionally claims it for her own. she got these crazy shots of my family over the holidays. yes, that it's a picture of the garbage bowl i was using while making dinner one night. what do you think? future andy warhohl (these pix do tend to be more on the distorted side)?

  • for our family, fritz is our first tough boy: he loves to wrestle and pull hair (this is getting better with age at least). but i guess, his older sisters soften him more than i realize. when i went to get him from our church nursery about a month ago, my friend's daughter, who is his age and has four older brothers, had fritz pinned down and crying. on a somewhat related side note, i had a wasted trip bringing evan to the doctor last week. i wanted to make sure that his ear infections had all cleared up because he wasn't acting himself. i have since decided that he is just becoming more and more of a toddler and in the past weeks i've experienced some first-class tantrums from him. where has my baby gone? he still knows how to put on the charm and both sunday and monday woke up so smiley that he made both days. as pat once said: "i love how playful evan is." that he is.
  • this picture was taken months ago, after lily was first potty trained. i debated posting it then, but held back for what i think are obvious reasons. i have since decided it's too cute not to post.

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chaffinclan said...

I enjoyed these random thoughts and pictures of yours. I think Grace really has a knack for the camera - distortion and all.

natalie said...

I love the picture of you April! You're a cute girl!

Ann said...

Hooray for Zenni Optical! I now have 5 pair of prescription glasses and Brian has 3 pair (but will order a couple more since I am so ahead). We will try to never use traditional means to buy glasses again as it is such a rip-off! Zenni seems perfect for kid's glasses so who cares if a few pair get lost. Was this the same pair of glasses for Grace that she vomited on when she brought them home from Costco? They were cute glasses.

april said...

annie, i'm actually wearing my glasses for the first time as i write this (my prescription is very pathetic, but i did notice that my eyes automatically tensed and then relaxed when i got on the computer.) anyhoo, everyone is loving their new glasses especially grace. and yes, those were the same pair as Costco.

our countdown now is:
pat: 2 regular pair and 2 pairs of sunglasses (one is quite the motorcycle pair).
grace: 2 pair with sunshades (she probably needs more as she is a child. her new fave color is blue and so are her glasses.)
april: two pair for reading (and really that's all i need since as i mentioned earlier, it really is a pathetic prescription.)

p.s. hope your trip back home went well.

Amanda said...

nice random updates. you always have so much fun going on at your house. don't think twice about posting a cute pic of Lily on the potty! so cute.

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

You crack me up. I love your random things posts! It was great to see you for our 3 second passing in the hall over Christmas! You look fabulous as ever!


"is that lily holding baby lily?" -lily's response when i showed her a picture of gracie holding her when lily was a baby.

"drama class is actually a lot of fun." -gracie (this is only humorous in that grace seemed surprised by how much she likes drama class. this from my child who we refer to as "a drama queen" when she is not around.)

"mom, you can go with my teacher and i'll stay home with japie and evan. daddy can go to work, and i'll be the mommy" -lily, in response to learning that she would be going to preschool next year instead of this year.

"mom, if you don't get rid of that smell soon, you're going to have to buy a new car." -gracie when it took me a couple of days to clean out my car after returning from a road trip.

"mommy, they have dress-ups for you!" -lily while walking by the prom dress section at macy's.

"i said the prayer "last"-erday." -lily's replacement word for "yesterday."