Wednesday, October 8, 2008

she can vote!

today i went to the federal court in hartford to watch my dear friend, chelsea, be naturalized as a citizen of the united states. it was a great experience. i loved seeing all the nicely dressed people ready to become u.s. citizens. i believe that there were 54 people receiving their citizenship, representing 26 countries. here's chelsea and her family waiting to go up and receive her certificate. her husband and baby are already american citizens and so i joked that her son could always rub it in that he was a citizen first. (yeah, once again, i know i'm so funny.)
here's chelsea with the judge (who had already taken off her zebra striped reading glasses). when she first came in, the judge asked the requests and the court officer said how many people were requesting citizenships and how many name changes. the judge than granted those requests. then all the nominees for citizenship were asked to stand and raise their right hands while the clerk read an oath of allegiance (which repeatedly mentioned being willing to bear arms and go to war when ordered to by law) to which all the nominees repsonded: "i will." then the judge stepped down and awarded the certificates and the clerk became the "court photographer". i loved hearing where all the individuals were from and seeing them gratefully come up and receive their citizenship. there were even a couple of shall we say "quite senior" nominees, and i was especially touched to see it mattered to them.
chelsea and her family with the judge.
chelsea and her cheering squad outside the court building. immediately after this picture, chelsea went to register to vote!!!
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i helped "americanize" chelsea more by making her do the charlie's angels pose with me. although in this picture, i think i was the only one really in character. i love how laurel looks like she's doing a "tina fey pose of sarah palin" (did that make sense? if not, watch this clip).
yeah, and i didn't quite remember the pose right. laurel was holding the "rifle"* but i guess she was suppose to be in the middle. next time i find someone crazy enough to do the pic with me, i'll do better. (for the record: my sister, cousin brit and i have done this pose on a couple of occasions now.)

*pat told me this morning that it's a walkie-talkie, not a rifle. i forget that charlie's angels was in the day when life was still sacred on t.v. and rather than being shot people were knocked out cold by a swift kick, a hefty punch or a strong whack over the head with a ceramic plate. i'm feeling the need to redo this pic; tice and nat - are you up for it on tuesday?


natalie said...

Congratulations Chelsea! Okay, the charlie's angle picture is hysterical! You three babes are smokin'!

Stiles Family-mostly Kristen said...

Love it! Love it! What a great friend you are! Happy days for Chelsea-that is awesome!

Stace said...

April-- I love that you need sleep too. We should join a club or something. I always feel like I am the only one. And I feel guilty getting the sleep I need (which is rare). I love how Lily dresses and that you let dress herself. Mia really chooses interesting things. It can be real frustrating sometimes. Especially when I buy her clothes that she picks out and then wont wear them later. There are so many things I wasn't told before being a mom. I could write a book.

Ken, Chelsea and Isaac said...

I was so glad you and Laurel could come! It definitely means a lot to me to have my family and dear friends with me as I sworn in as U.S. citizen. It was wonderful!

misswendy said...

For the record, they did have guns in those shows and the "angel" on the right side is holding a handgun. But, you are right, I don't think they ever killed anyone with them. I think it's actually the more modern version from those movies they did that took out the guns and added martial arts. Trust me, the original Charlie's Angels were models "running" around in high heels. It seems like they supposedly "outsmarted" the bad guys more than anything. The only one who ever outsmarted them was Charlie. They could catch every bad guy out there but they could never catch their boss. Remember? And I LOVED that show. I was going to grow up to be a Charlie's Angel right before I married one of the Duke brothers. Then, we would take the Love Boat to Fantasy Island for our honeymoon. I personally think I made out better than my childhood TV fantasies.

Oh, BIG P.S., congratulations to your friend. How perfect is it that her first voting experience will be in a presidential election? Good for her!!

susan m hinckley said...

I love your blog, April. And thanks for sharing Chelsea's story because it's just the kind of thing we need to help us survive the whole politics and bad-American-news thing we're dealing with right now! I salute you.


"is that lily holding baby lily?" -lily's response when i showed her a picture of gracie holding her when lily was a baby.

"drama class is actually a lot of fun." -gracie (this is only humorous in that grace seemed surprised by how much she likes drama class. this from my child who we refer to as "a drama queen" when she is not around.)

"mom, you can go with my teacher and i'll stay home with japie and evan. daddy can go to work, and i'll be the mommy" -lily, in response to learning that she would be going to preschool next year instead of this year.

"mom, if you don't get rid of that smell soon, you're going to have to buy a new car." -gracie when it took me a couple of days to clean out my car after returning from a road trip.

"mommy, they have dress-ups for you!" -lily while walking by the prom dress section at macy's.

"i said the prayer "last"-erday." -lily's replacement word for "yesterday."