Thursday, April 9, 2009

twilight necklaces

for my twilight loving friends (hello, nat - i'm talking to you), go check out my friend stacey's blog. she's selling some mighty cute (and inexpensive) necklaces right now.


Scrappycook said...

Thanks Ape! I need to borrow a nicer camera to take better shots. My point and shoot is allergic to close-ups!

natalie said...

ha. Thanks for thinking of me. Am I really that obvious? ;) Very cute necklaces.

april said...

@natalie - duh!!! yes, you're that obvious. not that i didn't enjoy the twilight series too! maybe you could pass it on to lori as well.

Lindsey said...

Too funny! And thanks for your long comment on my post about bribing children vs. providing incentives. I think you hit it right on. Thanks. :)


"is that lily holding baby lily?" -lily's response when i showed her a picture of gracie holding her when lily was a baby.

"drama class is actually a lot of fun." -gracie (this is only humorous in that grace seemed surprised by how much she likes drama class. this from my child who we refer to as "a drama queen" when she is not around.)

"mom, you can go with my teacher and i'll stay home with japie and evan. daddy can go to work, and i'll be the mommy" -lily, in response to learning that she would be going to preschool next year instead of this year.

"mom, if you don't get rid of that smell soon, you're going to have to buy a new car." -gracie when it took me a couple of days to clean out my car after returning from a road trip.

"mommy, they have dress-ups for you!" -lily while walking by the prom dress section at macy's.

"i said the prayer "last"-erday." -lily's replacement word for "yesterday."