after smoldering temperatures and feeling like i was the wicked witch of the west (read "i'm melting!") for the past few days, the temperatures have finally cooled down here and there is even a freeze advisory in effect for tonight!! hallelujah!
in other news, this past sunday was one of those "horrible, terrible, no good, very bad days." my hubby was out of town so i brought all the kids to church on my own.
to recap, it was the first day of the heat wave and i hate heat waves especially when they are disrupting my spring, i had to change jake's pants and diaper and clean up a huge puddle right as i told everyone head to the car, my soon to be three year old colored with a black crayon on the pew and wall while i was listening to a talk during sacrament meeting, 20 bazillion wipes couldn't take the crayon off and realized i would have to go home after church and get goo-gone, i had to separate an actual group wrestle among my younger three kids during sacrament meeting, my five year old didn't show london and france but definitely showed a bunch of people in manchester her underpants during said wrestle, i let my 2 year old go to nursery with his special blanket because i was just relieved he was actually going to go without a fight and i had to teach mother's day songs in primary, i was crabby while teaching those songs, ran home after church to get goo gone and other cleaning supplies, cleaned off the walls and pew in the chapel while trying to discourage my two year old from using microphone on the stand, gathered all the kids in the car and realized we do not know where aforementioned special blanket is, search the church twice looking for said blanket, finally leave church somewhat surprised how calm two year old is, actually start to leave church parking lot without blanket and two year old starts screaming, i think how wise i am that i have gotten him attached to two blankets and that he will be fine when i get him home to his other blanket, two year old wants nothing to do with other blanket and screams for the next hour while i call every mom of a baby at church and ask if they accidentally took home his blankie, was very crabby with husband on the phone when he calls that evening, forgot to watch my favorite show and i never forget to watch my show, finally give in and turn on the air conditioners on april 26th!!!
the good news is that i was in bed reading by 9 pm that night, felt quite justified in turning on air conditioners considering what a bad day it had been, watched my show on monday (thank you cbs for finally putting amazing race episodes online), fritzy has been using his other blankie without complaint ever since his hour long "grieving" period, the kids and i were all seated while the prelude music for sacrament meeting was still playing and i was actually complemented by a dad at church at how quietly my children wrestled (that's a good thing, right?)!
the bad news is that fritzy's blanket is still MIA (sorry tice, it wasn't outside). hopefully, it will be in the lost and found when we return to church.