Tuesday, June 3, 2008

family day 2008

family day for pat's work was this past weekend. we went with our good friends and fun was had by all. lily keeps asking: "can we go back to the place with cotton candy tomorrow?"

lily and evan loved their pony ride. grace decided she's too old and a pony ride would be too boring and slow. (she also keeps ignoring my requests to stop growing.)
the babies
(both now 2) repeated their watermelon fest from the previous year. the two of them could eat a whole watermelon on their own.

their was lots of live music and great dancing!!
the new attraction this year was this bungee jump. the kids all enjoyed it, even the four year olds were let on despite the fact they were just a couple of pounds short (yes, you had to stand on a scale before going on the ride - just one of the reasons that deterred me from going on). the guy running it was kind and kept "slinging" the little girls up in the air. they loved it!! lily is definitely fearless. i climbed the rock wall again, but didn't make the top this year. thankfully no pictures were taken (i guess husbands can be trained in some areas. i learn too; i'm not crazy enough to make a link to the pics from last year.)
our friends will be in japan on assignment for the next three years. but luckily, we saw laina's family lots too. we might be tagging along with them next year (ok with you, laina?). it's funner with friends.


laina kay said...

We'd love to hang out with you guys!

Wow, we had a great time... we're still talking about it. My kids thought it was heaven. The YES fest, it was like an all inclusive carnival. "Another ice cream? Sure." "The bungee jump again? Okay." "More cotton candy? Why not."

Thanks for tipping us off to the biggest Pratt perk we've been missing all these years!

liza said...

looks like a blast.
p.s. thanks for the cute letter. the thought of you brings a huge smile to my face. i have so many fun memories of you. xoxo

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

Ok...can I tag along next year too!?


"is that lily holding baby lily?" -lily's response when i showed her a picture of gracie holding her when lily was a baby.

"drama class is actually a lot of fun." -gracie (this is only humorous in that grace seemed surprised by how much she likes drama class. this from my child who we refer to as "a drama queen" when she is not around.)

"mom, you can go with my teacher and i'll stay home with japie and evan. daddy can go to work, and i'll be the mommy" -lily, in response to learning that she would be going to preschool next year instead of this year.

"mom, if you don't get rid of that smell soon, you're going to have to buy a new car." -gracie when it took me a couple of days to clean out my car after returning from a road trip.

"mommy, they have dress-ups for you!" -lily while walking by the prom dress section at macy's.

"i said the prayer "last"-erday." -lily's replacement word for "yesterday."