Monday, November 12, 2007

amazing race

yes, yes, my show has started and life is good. the past two episodes have been good and i'm excited for this season. here are some of the things that i already have enjoyed about this season:
  • when kate and pat said: "i know we are religious people, but we are under no delusions that God cares whether we win a million dollars." hallelujah!! considering myself to be religious as well, i'm glad that someone finally said that rather than pray for Jesus to help them win.
  • a pointer for all: don't go on the amazing race and say something like: "karma is a b****, but i'm a bigger b****", then steal someone's cab and then end up being the first team kicked off because your donkey won't move and you watch at least four other teams pass you. i will admit that ari and stealla were able to laugh about karma teaching them a lesson at the end of the episode.
  • i just love how quickly the blondes gave up on their appearances while the goth couple is keeping up with their make-up. something in that makes me smile for whatever reason.

here's some conversations between pat and i on our recent outing to Boston that explain why we've never applied to be on the show (other than being completely out of shape):

ME (turning a map upside down in my attempt to read it): "man, i would stink at reading maps on the amazing race."

PAT: "yeah, you would."

a few minutes later:

PAT (after i flick my fingers on his head in response to yet another sassy remark): "yeah, we would be very entertaining on the amazing race."


LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

I would totally watch the show if you guys were on it! Do it! Do it! Do it! I just know it would be a laugh fest every time! I love your observation about the blondes vs. the goth couple! Right on.

chaffinclan said...

The dynamic between you and Pat makes me laugh everytime. So opposite and yet so alike! Happy Birthday Jake, by the way!

Amanda said...

i'm not loving this season as much...that karma was great, and the goths are a bit entertaining..but we're not rooting for a specific team yet.


"is that lily holding baby lily?" -lily's response when i showed her a picture of gracie holding her when lily was a baby.

"drama class is actually a lot of fun." -gracie (this is only humorous in that grace seemed surprised by how much she likes drama class. this from my child who we refer to as "a drama queen" when she is not around.)

"mom, you can go with my teacher and i'll stay home with japie and evan. daddy can go to work, and i'll be the mommy" -lily, in response to learning that she would be going to preschool next year instead of this year.

"mom, if you don't get rid of that smell soon, you're going to have to buy a new car." -gracie when it took me a couple of days to clean out my car after returning from a road trip.

"mommy, they have dress-ups for you!" -lily while walking by the prom dress section at macy's.

"i said the prayer "last"-erday." -lily's replacement word for "yesterday."