Saturday, September 15, 2007

end of summer pix

here are some random (mainly crazy/fun) pictures from summer that i never posted.

the girls went through a phase were they had to get all dressed up (as shown below) to help me with dinner. the bottom picture shows what lily wore to the doctor's office one day. she had on a swimsuit, a skirt, pajama top (inside out), another swimsuit, bottoms to yet another swimsuit, a green dress and when she went to the doctor's office, a pink nightgown over all of that. and yes, it was a warm august day if i recall correctly.

i thought those were cute pictures of evan. another day, the girls and my niece had way too much fun with sticky gems.

my sister and my niece with painted faces. grace did my sister's face. i know it's kind of a silly picture, but i think it shows how photogenic my sister is.
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natalie said...

love the belly rings!

chaffinclan said...

That outfit of Lily's should go in the preschoolers-dressing-themselves hall of fame.

Ken, Chelsea and Isaac said...

Oooooohhhhhh Lily!!! I AM SO IMPRESSED!

Elizabeth said...

I wish Lily would teach Henry a few of her layering tricks. I am greeted a couple of times a week by a completely naked boy. I loved the outfit!

laina kay said...

so fun! i've been thinking about doing a summer retrospective myself. closure... ha ha! now i've just got to find a time to go through ALL those pictures!

Elizabeth said...

Nothing better than a kid's sense of fashion!


Lindsey said...

Cute pictures, April! I sure miss your much fun. And the outfit of Lily's is too cute! You ought to make a list of the outfits she's come up with. We miss you!


"is that lily holding baby lily?" -lily's response when i showed her a picture of gracie holding her when lily was a baby.

"drama class is actually a lot of fun." -gracie (this is only humorous in that grace seemed surprised by how much she likes drama class. this from my child who we refer to as "a drama queen" when she is not around.)

"mom, you can go with my teacher and i'll stay home with japie and evan. daddy can go to work, and i'll be the mommy" -lily, in response to learning that she would be going to preschool next year instead of this year.

"mom, if you don't get rid of that smell soon, you're going to have to buy a new car." -gracie when it took me a couple of days to clean out my car after returning from a road trip.

"mommy, they have dress-ups for you!" -lily while walking by the prom dress section at macy's.

"i said the prayer "last"-erday." -lily's replacement word for "yesterday."