Wednesday, October 31, 2007
my halloween quandry
life is good
new england looks like this right now. the weather is POSITIVELY BEAUTIFUL: crisp, clear and sunny in a way that only autumn can do.
made this wonderful cake for FHE (which was the first legit reason that i could think of since my friend stace put the recipe on her blog. the picture is from her blog; my bundt cake is not that nice. my cake, however, did turn out very yummy! and yes, it's all gone.)
my show starts this sunday!!!! is there a better host than phil? i just don't think so.
Monday, October 22, 2007
a favorite family pastime
what we've been up to
our church had its semi-annual conference in the beginning of october. we have a family tradtion of making waffles, whip cream and strawberries when this occurs. the kids always enjoy the breakfast. unfortunately, we were late getting started and didn't have time to get jake's wheelchair out of the car. so he was on a blanket in the room with us; it did make for a fun picture though. columbus day was spent painting, reading good books and resting. it was a perfect day!
Monday, October 15, 2007
nanna nan
as you can probably tell from the pictures, nan has a very fun-loving personality (which my kids especially adore). nan also loves to learn, cares deeply for her friends and family and enjoys life. when i was young, she whole-heartedly accepted me as one of her own. i'm appreciate her example and influence as well.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
faves from pat
- one of pat's great loves (other than me) is music; i have grown to love many songs that he has introduced me to. through much more effort and time than was necessary, i have created a playlist with a small sampling of some my favorite songs from pat. there were quite a few faves that i couldn't locate to download; i was still able to represent some of those artists with other songs, but was disappointed that i couldn't find more of my favorites. (after hours of fruitless searching, i realized that i couldn't download any songs from my itunes playlist to the blog.) despite these frustrations, i hope you enjoy my playlist. it will play automatically for the next few weeks and then i'll turn the automatic switch off.
(eight months after we were married, we both graduated from BYU)
- laugh at yourself
- don't worry, be happy (in other words, don't overthink.)
- the difference between what the make and model of a car is.
- a man can never own too many knives
- as americans, we pronounce many italian foods incorrectly. (frankly, i don't care that i pronounce them incorretly - but i have LEARNED FROM PAT that i do this.)
- be supportive
- find the humor in life
(here's how our family has grown: one child at a time. future posts will use the passing of years rather than additional children to demonstrate growth in our family.)
here are a few things that i hope to eventually learn from pat:
- keep a journal faithfully
- be patient
- don't let an unpaid bill sit around (thankfully he pays the bills)
- be concise
- don't waste time regretting things you cannot change
- be prompt
- "a soft answer turneth away wrath" (i greatly appreciate this one!)
- write nice love letters to your spouse on occasion
pat, thank you for your influence; you truly "complete me" (and any other
cheesy movie quote that you can think of.)
(bonus picture: like father, like son)
my "mr. november"
what a cute baby!
a little older: i couldn't find a good childhood picture of pat wearing glasses. he still has most of his glasses from childhood and i always have a good laugh whenever he models them for me (which doesn't happen often enough to be quite frank). since the glasses often take up at least half his adult face, i don't quite know how he was able to hold up his head as a child, but i guess he managed.
not sure what he's doing in this picture, maybe showing off facial hair? but he does look buff and handsome, right ladies?
a blitz of birthdays
first off, my friend amanda (shown here with her mr. november) turned 30 on september 29th! amanda has done so many quiet acts of service for me this past year (cards, a meal when jake was in the hospital even though she had just had a baby, remebering my birthday, flowers of comfort, etc....) that i just couldn't forget her. she is amazing: creative, well-spoken, thoughtful, kind. i am so glad to count her as a friend. (i'm also glad that she is finally 30; it's unbelievable to me how many of my good friends aren't even 30 yet! i'm glad you are finally joining me in this decade of life- even if i have a good head start). HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY, AMANDA!
my mother-in-law also celebrated her birthday on september 29th. she has come to help right after the birth of three of my children. i don't what i would have done without her! here she is with my newborns.
she quilts (all by hand), knits, sews, gardens, etc... her talents and creativity run deep. here is a TINY sampling of some of the treaures that she has made for my children:
here is a picture of her in younger years with the family minus pat and his little sister, ann. (side note: pat pointed out to me that his parents were younger than us in this picture; we think by at least four years.) my mother-in-law has gently encouraged me to do good things (like keep a journal when jake was in the hospital for 2 1/2 months after birth) as well as supported and respected me in my roles as a mother and wife. i don't think that i could
imagine a better mother-in-law than her. i'm glad to have her influence in our lives.
family and friends
- a slow simmer
- caboodle and kits
- connecticut culps
- dash of nutmeg
- downeast lythgoes
- goodnes gracious
- jim and amy's trailer
- jimenez five
- keeping up with the lutzes
- ken & chelsea
- laugh at me
- line upon line
- macnair extravaganza
- monkey business
- not so new york
- not so simple sirmans
- serving of servinos
- six in peach tree city
- soccermom sagas
- stuckihouse
- the bowes bunch
- the daley news
- the olson family
- the shirley family
- thinking it through
- tice, etc...
"drama class is actually a lot of fun." -gracie (this is only humorous in that grace seemed surprised by how much she likes drama class. this from my child who we refer to as "a drama queen" when she is not around.)
"mom, you can go with my teacher and i'll stay home with japie and evan. daddy can go to work, and i'll be the mommy" -lily, in response to learning that she would be going to preschool next year instead of this year.
"mom, if you don't get rid of that smell soon, you're going to have to buy a new car." -gracie when it took me a couple of days to clean out my car after returning from a road trip.
"mommy, they have dress-ups for you!" -lily while walking by the prom dress section at macy's.
"i said the prayer "last"-erday." -lily's replacement word for "yesterday."